- Today would like to wear clothing made from cotton and then the next day you want to wear a linen dress. Not just simply want to look stylish consideration, someone wants to wear clothing with certain materials.
Apparently, the hormone also affects the taste of women when choosing clothing materials. This is according to research conducted DervalResearch, marketing research agency in 3500 men and women in 25 countries.
IF you want other culinary tour in Sukabumi, West Java, could also enjoy the treats are all natural. Coming to Pondok Mie Batok (PMB).
In a restaurant located in Jalan Raya Sukabumi Cisaat-this, the manager will welcome visitors with fast food without Mono Sodium Gulgamet (MSG). Obviously with the price affordable by all circles of society.
Shell noodles, other food ingredients from natural ingredients, tools place penyajiannnya also use straight from nature. In the PMB, the bowl uses material from coconut shells to present its flagship noodles, made from bamboo plate semetara repose banana leaves for other foods.

In an effort to clean up trash in the sea of dirt Tidung Island tourist sites, Kabupetan Thousand Islands, as many as 700 tourists scavenging (picking up) waste in the region.
It is hoped in this way the public would be more concerned about the environment and dispose of trash in its place.
"One by one, tourists were picking up trash money there is on the waterfront and in the middle. They also do not feel awkward or uncomfortable into the sea, "said Achmad ludfi Regent Thousand Islands.